Brownell Talbot’s Student Council
Student Council Presidents in each grade level (from left to right): senior Emaan Khan, junior Frida Silva, freshman Angel Bhandari, and sophomore Katie Picard
As the fall leaves blossom, the air crispens, and the atmosphere around us begins to look more and more auburn. The school year begins, and the student council elections take place. With many students on campus wanting to be involved with student council, the election is a very fierce process. At least that’s what 9th grade class sponsor, Mrs. Evelyn Navarro thinks. “Even though we didn’t have that many candidates, the election was still very competitive,” she said. In Upper School, the student council election is fairly quick, but the responsibilities of the officers are hefty.
This year we have a great cabinet full of officers, ready to take on the year. From planning and organizing fundraisers, school dances, movie nights, and more. They are more ready then ever to get the school year started! Starting off with the freshmen class, who are hosting a volleyball fundraiser on November 11th. Upper School students and teachers can register a team of 4 for the fundraiser, from the QR code at the bottom of this article! Prizes for this fundraiser include, 5 house points for participation, 40 house points for the winning group, and 30 house points for the runner up. Each member on the team will get those points, although there is a limit to 2 players from the same house on a team. As well as, only 2 volleyball players on a team, and registration fees are $5 per person. The freshmen class seem to have a great start in the year, with their upcoming fundraiser. And later in the year will be planning, and organizing the winter formal!
With the idea of organizing and planning a dance on hand, the sophomores’ homecoming was just a major success. Sophomore class president, Katie Picard reflected, “Decorations were great, vinyls were decorated by our class, and I hope everyone had fun.” Per tradition, the sophomores planned homecoming, this year and the theme was 70s Disco. Many remarkable outfits were worn, and the decorations were on point.
Although the food was gone pretty quick, the juniors seemed to have food covered with their fundraiser made especially for pizza lovers! During BT’s annual trunk or treat, the junior class sold pizza, and all of the proceeds from the food and drinks went to the junior class. This was an incredible way to get families involved, satisfy students, and energize our BT community.
Last but not least, the senior class of 2023. The senior class are very determined to have a winter formal. With that in mind they will be helping the freshmen class help plan for the formal. Nevertheless, it is still early in the school year, and there’s still much time left to fundraise! In conclusion, these members of student council are ready to take on the challenges of the year. With ideas in mind, and tasks at hand. These 2022-2023 student council officers are ready for the year!
2022-2023 OFFICERS
President– Emaan Khan
Vice President– Rayaan Sattar
Secretary- Frankie Soto Tighe
Treasurer- Dylan Scott
President– Frida Silva
Vice President– Brett Fisher
Secretary– Cameron Maxwell
Treasurer-Matthew Schinzel
President- Katie Picard
Vice President- Tanya Bachu
Secretary– Siri Doddapaneni
Treasurer-Hutchings Reumann
President- Angel Bhandari
Vice President- Dexter Clark
Secretary– Alexander Lindarev
Treasurer-Eric Zhou
Use this QR code to sign up for the volleyball tournament!

Angel is a junior at Brownell Talbot, and this is her third year on Verbatim. On campus, she is involved in robotics, varsity cheer, varsity speech, science...