January Community Voices: Winter Break Highlights

Members of the Brownell Talbot community began the second semester of the 2022-2023 school year on Thursday, January 5th, after a long, exciting winter break. While some people use school breaks as a time to rest and relax, others spend the time exploring their passions, traveling, and playing sports. This month, we asked 4 members of the BT community what the highlight of their winter break was. Here is what they had to say!


“I ticked two items off my bucket list by going to Christmas markets in Germany, Austria, and Czecha, as well as visiting Prague, where my great-grandmother was born!”

-Dr. Ramert, Upper School English and Yearbook Teacher, 12th Grade Class Sponsor

“The highlight of my winter break was definitely the Nebraska Thespian Festival. All the accolades aside, I got to reconnect with a lot of old friends and make a bunch of new ones.”

-Guy Shipley, 11th grade

“Family, fun, fast four-wheelers, food and jumping in puddles and streams in the forest with my two littles.”

-Dr Vaught, Assistant Head of Academics

“My best moment of winter break was going skiing in Bansko, Bulgaria with my dad, my brother, and my grandmother.”

-Daniel Lindarev, 11th grade