Brownell Talbot-Concordia Tennis Season 2023

The Brownell Talbot-Concordia tennis season is in full swing and the team has been performing admirably. The girls have been working tirelessly to improve their game and it shows in their performance on the court. Their dedication and passion for the sport has resulted in a winning record thus far, with only a few losses. The team’s success can be attributed to their strong work ethic and the support they provide for each other. Even during tough matches, the players continue to cheer each other on, boosting morale and helping to maintain focus. The coaches, Shawn Padios and Mark Smith, have also played a pivotal role in the team’s success, providing guidance and advice both on and off the court.

The tennis team co ops with girls from Concordia, something all of the girls enjoy. Kathryn Hanks from Concordia, ‘24, said, “I love having a co-op team! It’s so fun and builds such a great community. I have met so many AMAZING people I would’ve never met without a co-op!” The team is split into Varsity and JV, but as Mr. Smith puts it, the girls are all “BTC.” The Varsity team is currently at 7-3 for wins and losses, but they places 11th out of 22 mostly Class-A teams at an invitational at Westside, and we couldn’t be prouder of our girls! The JV team is also doing well, with 4-4 for wins and losses. 

The team has faced many challenges this season, including difficult opponents and inclement weather, but they have persevered through it all. Despite the obstacles, the team remains committed to their goals and continues to push themselves to improve. As the season progresses, they hope to continue building upon their successes and further hone their skills. Senior from Brownell Talbot, Elizabeth Goebel, is currently on our Varsity team with her freshman sister, Gretchen. “I love being on the same team as my little sister. It’s been an amazing bonding experience for us and I’ve loved watching her progress over this season.” Overall, the high school tennis team has made their school proud and serves as an inspiration to their fellow students.