A voice for students at Brownell Talbot School


A voice for students at Brownell Talbot School



2024 Track Season Overview

A quick overview and recap of the 2024 Brownell Talbot Track season.
Casie Schluter
Here shows the 2024 track team of Brownell Talbot

With the 2024 track season coming to a close this May, we are very proud to announce we have one representative this year making it to the Nebraska State Track meet at Burke High School on May 17th and 18th. Throughout the season, the team has faced many challenges along with successes, but each team member’s progress has been outstanding.

This high school season of Brownell Talbot’s track consisted of about eleven track meets, all of which lasted about a school day’s length. The seniors on the team were Hudson McCafferty, Mia Hatcher, and Luke Knofczynski. Hudson McCafferty competed in long-distance events including the mile, and the two-mile, and in the middle of the season found an interest in the high jump, setting his current PR at almost six feet. This was Mia Hatcher’s fourth year doing track, and she joined mid-season and competed in discus, shotput, the 200, and various relays. Luke competes in most sprinting events including the 100 and 200, and he found a talent for running the 400-meter dash.

Corbett Lanum competed in the mile and the two mile, both of which were her main events. However, she was entered in a small number of relays also throughout the season. Corbett has been involved in running-based sports ever since she could walk and has participated in club track since kindergarten. She found her love for running very early on and carried it throughout her high school years. This season, Corbett Lanum made various PRs and broke multiple school records, particularly the 3200-meter run. Corbett represented Brownell Talbot and advanced to the state track meet where she competed in the 1600-meter run as well as the 3200-meter run.

Corbett is shown running the 3200 meter run in the conference indoor meet at College of Saint Mary’s, breaking a school record with a time of 12:19:62.

This season has been a success according to the coaches and they claim that they’ve greatly enjoyed watching all of the athletes improve over the time period. The season brought a higher number of team members; some of the new athletes include Thomas Clark (’27), Owen Ohnoutka (’27), Jack Green (’27), Gavin Vernon (’27), Sean Webster (’27), and Rylan Walters (’27). The sophomores on the team include Elliot Clark (’26), Olivia Grogan (’26), Corinne Van Winkle (’26), Ahaan Gulati (’26), Corbett Lanum (’26), Theo Hedican (’26), Charlie Scherbring (’26), Kyle Tessin (’26) and Angela Hensley (’26). This year, no juniors participated in track; however, the seniors of the team featured Luke Knofczynski (’24), Mia Hatcher (’24), and Hudson McCafferty (’24). Thanks to head coach Paul Graffelman, Wade Lanum, distance coach Mike Bickley, and long jump Coach Tanya Standard as they helped the team achieve many goals as well as reach new limits.

Although the track season has come to an end, the Brownell Talbot track team of 2025 is bound to achieve new goals and accomplish new things.

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About the Contributor
Corinne Van Winkle
Corinne Van Winkle, Staff Writer
Corinne is a current sophomore at Brownell Talbot College Preparatory School, and she enjoys trying new things frequently, as well as being involved in lifting, track, and lacrosse, as well as being in her first year of cheerleading. In her free time, she spends most of her time in the gym, with her friends, or at work. This is her first year on the Verbatim staff, and she is looking forward to exploring new things while being on the staff.

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