A voice for students at Brownell Talbot School


A voice for students at Brownell Talbot School



May Letter from the Editors

Reflecting on all that the journalism team has accomplished this year.

The month of May has flown by with the many end-of-year festivities, from prom to AP exams to the senior’s last day of high school. Honors Day and the senior’s graduation ceremony is coming up at the end of this week, a time of celebration and recognition for all that the student’s have accomplished this year.

Touching more on hard work, the journalism team has put forth numerous publications throughout the school year, bringing a different take and perspective of world, local, and school news to the Brownell Talbot community. A number of seniors have contributed their time and effort to the publications but will soon graduate and leave the Verbatim team: Sidra Miller, Clare Schinzel, Frida Silva, and Calvin Snyder. Frida has served as a co-editor-in-chief this past year, bringing a positive attitude and her best work forward each day. The final senior snapshot for the May issue takes a look into her life and her journey throughout high school.

Over the school year, staff members have written articles and recorded podcasts covering a multitude of topics. From food reviews to discussion of politics to highlighting seniors, the journalism team has learned so much about different people, cultures, and perspectives. Being apart of journalism not only teaches our team about important events of the world, but also teaches us the importance of collaboration and joint effort.

The May micro-issue signifies the final Verbatim publication for the 2023-2024 school year, and we are so excited to start Verbatim up again in the fall. Until then, enjoy the stories and podcasts we have presented thus far. We hope you all have a great summer and we’ll see you in the next school year!

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About the Contributors
Tanya Bachu
Tanya Bachu, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Tanya Bachu is a junior at Brownell-Talbot this year, and it is her third year in journalism. On campus, Tanya participates in academic decathlon, science olympiad, and tennis. Outside of school, she loves to binge on shows such as Gilmore Girls and Friends. She's excited for another year of great stories for Verbatim, bringing student's voices to the spotlight and creating a unique showcase of the school.
Frida Silva
Frida Silva, Co-Editor-in-Chief
Frida Silva is a current senior at BT, and she arrived at BT sophomore year. She is involved in the Culture Club, cheer, and is class president for grade 11. Frida joined the verbatim team because she feels passionate about writing and expressing creativity. She enjoys writing campus stories and participating in the Career Clips podcast.

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