This is a Verbatim story that is published every month where Susie who is anonymous, answers questions directed from the student group. Anyone can send questions that are about anything, but appropriate for Susie to answer. All names will remain anonymous. Susie will answer questions and give advice as to what the question is asking. You can send your questions through Instagram @btverbatim! This is “Dear Susie!”
Dear Susie,
I have this one friend who I love a lot, but I can’t stand them listening to Christmas music on November 1st. It is WAYYY too early! Every store I walk in to has their Christmas decorations out. Why am I seeing Christmas decor before Thanksgiving? It’s NOT even Thanksgiving! How can I still enjoy Christmas with out overhyping it?
Thrilled for Thanksgiving
Dear Thrilled for Thanksgiving,
It can be frustrating if people play Christmas music right when Halloween ends or even stores bringing out Christmas decor. However, they just seem to be overly excited for Christmas which they have a right to be. Christmas is an exciting time for everyone and for some people it is something that people look forward to. They may not be purposefully trying to annoy you, so maybe let them know that it’s annoying to you. It may not be what you want to hear, but if they want to listen to Christmas music before Thanksgiving then that’s their choice. Maybe try blocking the music out or putting on your own music you want to hear. Another option is to offer to play something else, so that you can enjoy the music too. You can also leave the room or leave the store! If Christmas music isn’t your jam then another option is to listen to Vince Guaraldi Trio’s Charlie Brown Thanksgiving soundtrack.
p.s. my ex-boyfriend is apparently answering these questions now, too, but Jasper’s advice is nowhere near as trustworthy as mine…