In this month’s “Mind Over Matter” segment, Hayden sits down with Mr. and Mrs. Rohrig to talk about how students can best manage their time and make sure they have trusted adults to help them. Together, they talk about the skills that students can best use to stay on top of it all and how to reach out when they need help!
Mind Over Matter: Ready with the Rohrigs
Hayden Steffens dives into student life, and shows how to keep your head above water.
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About the Contributor

Hayden Steffens, Staff Writer
Hayden Steffens is a current Junior at Brownell Talbot College Preparatory School and this is her second year on the Verbatim staff. Hayden enjoys capturing moments in time with photography and in her free time, she enjoys being active by playing lacrosse for Duchesne Academy and competing around the country in horse competitions.