Faculty Spotlight: Mrs Diehl


Where did you go to college? – I have a BS in chemistry from Buena vista University and a masters in education from Drake. 


What’s your favorite memory of a student? – I had a student that was really struggling because he didn’t think he could pass chemistry. We did a bunch of one on one after school and he eventually gained confidence and did very well in my class.


What made you want you to teach? – My mom said I’ve always been a little bossy. I worked as a chemist in a lab and I loved being able to do science, but eventually I realized that most of the people that worked there lost their interest in science. I wanted to teach so people would never lose their interest in science.


What do you like about BT so far? – The students and parents really care. They are really invested in learning. 


What classes do you teach? – I teach 6th and 7th grade science, high school Engineering 1 and 2 and an AP environmental course.


What do you like about each of your classes? – I have a lot of fun with the 6th graders at Camp Kitaki. I also have a lot of fun seeing what the 7th graders can come up with for their projects. I really enjoy my engineering courses trying to see what the kids can come up with and create. One of my favorite labs I’ve done with my environmental class would be the one where we model how squirrels gather food.


What is like teaching a new AP class? – Any time you teach a new course it’s difficult, there’s lots of preparation so it’s a good experience for the kids. Being an AP class, it is more intense because the expectations are higher for everyone. It’s been a lot of fun. It’s definitely a learning experience.


What are some of your hobbies? – I like to cook, bake, knit, and garden. 


Do you have a favorite memory from college? – Either when I selected for my sorority or when we stormed the field for Iowa state football games. 


Which sorority were you a part of? – Alpha Gamma Delta.  We were always number 1 or 2 in grades and we won most of the competitions we were in. 


What were some of the competitions you participated in? – We did lawn displays, which is where you build a giant structure and perform a short skit on it for homecoming week.