Senior Snapshot: Bavishya Bachu

Graduation is fast approaching, and the realization that it’s almost the end of high school is setting in with the senior class. As the final months of the school year approach, we’ll take a look at a couple different seniors, taking a snapshot of their life and sharing their story with all.

Senior Bavishya Bachu hasn’t been at Brownell Talbot for as long as her classmates, but she still feels a strong attachment to this place that she’ll be leaving behind soon enough: “I loved BT’s community from the day I came here. Everyone was super kind and welcoming.”

Bavishya is a part of BT’s tennis team, which is something that she is very much looking forward to in her final year at BT: “As a senior on the tennis team, I hope to have a fun last season and to do well at state. Last year we had great success in all of our local matches and state.” She went on to say, “One of my favorite memories from tennis is going to Orange Leaf after a tennis tournament when everyone on the team won their matches. We had a great bonding experience and got to share our victory.” Bavishya has high hopes for the upcoming season and can’t wait to see the team support each other once again.

Apart from tennis, Bavishya also participates in speech, another activity at BT that has helped welcome her into a close-knit community. “This year I’ll be going to districts, so I am hoping that I do well and get to go to state. Speech has brought me closer to a lot of people and I’ve made memories and connections that I’ll never forget,” she said.

With the tennis season and district speech approaching, Bavishya mentioned how she also wants to make sure her second semester is a memorable one. She shared, “Now that it’s the second semester, I have a lot more free time. I am very excited for graduation because it’s something I’ve been working towards and looking forward to since freshman year.”  

When asked what piece of advice she would give to incoming freshmen, she said, “One piece of advice I would give is to live in the moment. You know, don’t worry about the doubt in the future and be present in the moment.”

For Bavishya, graduation season is a mix of emotions. She ended by saying, “I truly can’t wait to begin college, but until then, I want to live in the moment and make sure I’m having the most fun I can.”