January / February Letter from the Editors

Winter Sunset at Hitchcock Nature Center
Keeping with the theme of this month’s feature story, our January edition of Verbatim has been slightly delayed due to some COVID-related disruptions, but we’re happy to say that despite these hindrances this is one of the strongest issues that we’ve published. The aforementioned feature story offers an in-depth look into the international shipping crisis; it includes interviews with a major author who writes for The Wall Street Journal, an area entrepreneur who started a business because of her love of plants, and BT students who have encountered shipping-related inconveniences in their own ways. We also have a compelling reflection on the past 2+ years of pandemic precautions by a graduating senior in this month’s WATA (What is Akshay Thinking About?) commentary, a closer look at BT’s international student program, a retrospective of the Robotics program, and our first review of a video game, along with excellent continuations of regular stories like Hot Takes, Community Voices, Senior Snapshots, and more reviews of movies, music, and area restaurants.
We’re also excited to announce that a new section has been added to Verbatim’s menu, Creative, in which we will be featuring creative writing and visual art of BT students from across grade levels. Our first story in this category offers a deep dive into ekphrastic poetry, with three amazing pieces produced in Mr. Hamel’s Creative Writing class. In honor of this new category, we’re sponsoring our first writing contest, with $15, $10, and $5 Starbucks gift cards going to the top three places, in addition to publication in Verbatim and The Ivy and the Ashlar.
It’s been an eventful start to the Spring 2022 semester already, and we’re excited to continue providing a place for BT students to have their voices heard and showcase their best creative work.