Take Your Marks…


Due to the small nature of the Brownell Talbot community, participants on sports teams often take on roles larger than themselves on their respective teams. This statement is definitely true for the 2022 Track and Field season, as there were only five members on the Girls Team and a somewhat small number of members on the Boys Team. The lack of numbers never stands as a barrier to the people of the BT Track and Field team, as this season was full of school records, encouragement, attempts at new events, and stepping out of comfort zones. 

From the beginning of the season, members of the team have been pushed to compete in events they may not have had prior experience participating in. One of these standouts, Mia Hatcher, ‘24, is a new recruit in the Pole Vault event. After persuasion from Coach Lanum, Hatcher decided Pole Vault was an event she was willing to try. This event required extra dedication, as the students who participated in it had to commute to Creighton Preparatory High School to practice. By the end of the season, Hatcher was setting personal records in not only pole vault, but running events such as the 400m and 800m. The combination of Track and Field events Hatcher participated in allowed her to become a more well rounded teammate. At practice, Mia keeps up with the Boys Team, as she is the only Girl that runs mid/long distance. While this could stand as a barrier to many athletes, Hatcher embraces this challenge, which translates to her fast times at meets: “I’m the only girl that runs mid/long distance, so in practice I am the only girl that runs longer distances. I try to keep up with the boys (or attempt to keep them in sight) the best I can. It has helped me to get faster and my endurance has improved.” Hatcher runs for fun and conditioning and plans to pursue it as an extracurricular for the rest of her time as a High Schooler at BT. 

Just as Hatcher has faced challenges, as well as victories, this year since she is one of the few members on the Girls’ Team, sprinter and field event participant James Music, ‘23, has faced challenges that were not in his control: the weather. The abnormally cold and rainy weather this Spring has prohibited the Track and Field team from practicing outdoors and attending meets, but regardless of the cancellations and change, victory has beeb achieved. While the weather was extremely windy and rainy, Music shares that one of his favorite memories from this season was placing 3rd in the 200m sprint at the Louisville Meet, which was also a PR for him. Music has ran track since it was first offered in Middle School and continues to invest significant time and effort into the sport. As best said by Music, track pushes people to not only be their best, but cheer their teammates on to be their best. 

While Track and Field might not be every member of the team’s best or favorite sport, it allows athletes to stay active and fit, find a community that will support them, and give them tools that will allow them to succeed on the track and in the classroom. A shining example of an athlete that maintains balance between academics and athletics is 3-sport athlete, Katherine Thaden. Since Middle School, Thaden has made sports a priority in her life. In fact, she is so passionate about athletics that she participates in a sport year-round because it provides her with something beneficial to do with her time: “I kind of do track because I like to be involved in an activity year round and I like the individuality of the sport compared to basketball and volleyball.” Unlike other sports BT offers, Track and Field offers the individual component Thaden mentioned—a quality that draws athletes to compete in Track and Field. When competing in events individually, it allows athletes to focus on themselves, improve, and cheer their teammates on the way. In addition to Katherine, track and field athlete Dylan Scott, ‘23, is also a 3-sport athlete. 

While there were many PRs set by Track and Field athletes, Paige Birch, ‘23, set the BT High School Pole Vault Record this season. More information regarding this success can be found in the Community Section of the April Edition of Verbatim. 

Congratulations to all Track and Field athletes on a successful season!


Pictures by Dr. Matt Low