Hot Takes: Milk


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Since the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year, milk has been a hot topic at Brownell Talbot School. Whether it’s what kind of milk you drink or how often you drink it, the schoolwide debate over milk has led students to get into fiery debates over a simple dairy product. In fact, this debate is so extensive that it has been brought to the attention of the school’s administration. Mrs. Harms, Dean of Upper School Students (10-12), distributed a survey to the Upper School student body prior to Homecoming. When the survey was released, Karl Grafelman was one of the first students to submit a response: “I drink 48oz of whole milk everyday.” Grafelman has participated in BT football and track, as well as competitive hockey for the past four years. Milk has fueled Grafelman to perform well in the sports that he participates in. Unlike Grafelman, Mia Hatcher ‘24, does not drink milk. According to Hatcher, there are plenty of other ways to get the amount of dairy and calcium needed to lead an active lifestyle besides milk. Some of Hatcher’s favorite calcium and dairy sources include yogurt, cheese, and of course, ice cream. While these are just two opinions on milk, Mrs. Harms got over 50 responses to her survey regarding milk. The results to this survey follow: